There’s usually three reasons why people have difficulty in selling their property at the best price possible.



Let’s take a look at the first of the three reasons. It’s the, yes the dreaded ‘P’ word, yes the Price, the price is wrong. If the price is incorrect people just simply won’t buy your home. If it is too high it will put buyers off and if it is too low you may not be able to repay your mortgage lenders.


The number two reason why your not getting the best price is the location. Think back to when you first bought your house, the location was nice, it was in a good area, you may have had your family and friends around or close by. As time has moved on you realised that people have moved out, your neighbours are selling their properties and different types of people are moving into your area. 

You have noticed that the environment and the dynamics of the area have changed. For instance you may have noticed that the area is getting a little bit more rough, the crime rate might have gone up, there might be more burglaries, more crime and things like that. All of these sorts of things could have changed the demographic a little bit so the location may no longer be as desirable as it was when you first moved in.


The last reason why you may not get the best price to sell your property, is because of its condition. The property may no longer be in tip-top condition anymore, for example the house may need a new bathroom, kitchen, removal of old wallpaper, plastering, painting, new carpet or laminate flooring, new tiling, roof repairs, attention to broken windows, landscaping the garden, the list goes on. Simply put, there are several reasons why the condition could affect the price when you sell your property. 

All of this can sound daunting and overwhelming, if you are not sure where to start. Don’t worry this story has a lovely ending… stay with me. 

I would like to share a story of a homeowner who was struggling to sell his home and had already committed to buying a second home and how we were able to help him overcome this challenge.


We had a client who was trying to sell his property. He had his property on the market for thirteen weeks and during those thirteen weeks he was able to get 33 viewings, from those 33 viewings he had one offer that was so low it was embarrassing.

The client approached our company and asked us to help him. In fact his words were, “I need to sell my property but I don’t want to reduce the price because I have another property I’ve already actually bought and I’m going to be moving to that property soon”

We explained that it was no problem and  took a look at the property. Our investigation highlighted that there was a lot of work to do at the property. We went on to detail all that needed to be done to bring the property to a quick saleable condition. 

This included; a change of carpets, painting the walls because they were different colours, repair of the sunken lights that weren’t working properly, some of the ceiling needed some repair work, in the kitchen, some of the kitchen units needed fixing, the garden needed landscaping, some roof tiles were missing, outside of the house needed painting, in sum, there was a lot of work that needed to be done at the property to be able to sell your property.

The client mentioned that there was no way on this planet that he was interested in carrying out any of the work himself. 

We offered him a solution which meant he did not have to do any of the work himself, he did not have to coordinate any builders or manage any renovation work. Everything was taken care of for him. 

To cut a long story short. Our team got into the property, renovated it to a very good standard and get the best price to sell your property. Our client was ecstatic because he had already moved into his new home with his family and had already committed to the second purchase and needed the equity from the sale of his property to now buy the new property.

I told you it was a happy ending 🙂

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